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Let’s make it work

Whether you are looking for your first job, have already been working for some years, or are looking to retire soon, the EU supports your rights. No matter where you are in the EU or what kind of job you have, you have the right to work in a safe environment. EU laws and organisations exist to ensure you can access safe, quality work with a balance that allows you time with your family.

You should be able to find a good job in a safe working environment that above all protects your health. Your work should leave you with the time and energy to invest in your personal life. Whether your job is located in your home country or in any other EU country, you will always have the right to social security.

Why do we need to take action on work in the EU?

  • up to 1 million

    additional jobs could be created by the green transition in the EU by 2030

  • 77%

    of European employers have difficulties finding people with the necessary skills

  • 230 million adults

    should have at least basic digital skills in the EU by 2025 – 70% of the population

How are we taking action?

  • 101 billion

    is the budget of the European Social Fund Plus, the EU’s main instrument for investing in people

  • 3.9 million

    jobs on the EURES employment platform

  • 48 hours

    is the maximum work week, under EU labour law

Looking for employment that works for you

Taking care of what's most important while you work

Your health and safety come first

Helping your business grow and navigate through changes in the world of work

Fair work and effective social protection