Inovinter promotes and implements high quality, innovative and sustainable vocational training and social intervention projects. Click on the link and find more information on training opportunities for individuals and businesses. If you are a trainer, you can apply to their job board on their website.
If you are unemployed or underemployed, find out how the UPskill programme helps you to learn new digital skills.
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programmes for young people up to 30 years old.
IEFP is the national public employment service. Find out more on training support, unemployment benefits, employer information and other advice by clicking on the link.
Euroguidance Portugal is an integral element of a European network of career guidance centres. Learn more about mobility for educational and training purposes.
IAPMEI develops and participates in a series of programmes and initiatives to support innovation opportunities, innovation management and investment in research and development and innovation, covering different possibilities for entrepreneurs and employers. Click on the link to learn more about these programmes and initiatives and how they can help you.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European network of employment services.
Informação sobre o Mercado de trabalho: Portugal (
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
The Families First programme helps families cope with loss of income due to inflation. Visit their website to find out more about the funding options that can help you.
The Adelia Project helps promote children's participation and autonomy, their health, and their social well-being. Visit their website to learn more about the different programmes and how they can benefit you.
The Authority for Labour Conditions aims to improve your working conditions, audits and inspects companies and prevents mistreatment. Visit their website to learn more.
The General Directorate of Social Security offers various programmes for children and families that could help you, such as the Family Allowance for Children and Young People, scholarships and the Child Maintenance Guarantee Fund. Find out more on their website.
The General Directorate of Social Security's measures include the prenatal family allowance, a benefit granted to women during pregnancy; the parental allowance, a benefit granted to mothers and fathers when they are unable to work, and other measures that allow parents to manage their personal and professional lives. Visit their website to learn more.
The Social Inclusion and Employment Operational Programme works to improve Portuguese quality of life and to promote social inclusion. Learn more about the available programmes on their website.
The High Commission for Migration is responsible for the management of migration, ensuring the integration of immigrants and promoting the return of Portuguese emigrants. On their website, you’ll find the equality and diversity programmes you can apply to.
The Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment is a national mechanism that pursues equality and non-discrimination between men and women at work, in employment and in professional training. Visit their website to learn more about the support services and programmes available to help you exercise your rights.
The disability allowance is granted when a child or young person needs pedagogical or therapeutic support due to psychological, intellectual, physiological or anatomical issues. Visit their website to find out if you are eligible for assistance.
The Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP) is responsible for administering unemployment benefits. It ensures that anyone who has lost their job involuntarily and is registered with the employment service can have a source of income while they look for a new job.
Find out how to apply for unemployment benefits on their website.
The Social Security Institute can help you learn about your pension rights and the requirements to claim these.
You can find out the value of your pension or its timeline by visiting the website.
The Social Integration Income programme supports those who find themselves in a situation of extreme poverty. This income has two parts: a cash benefit to ensure that minimum needs are met and an integration programme that includes a contract aimed at progressive social labour and community integration.
Learn more about the criteria and conditions for social integration income.
The unemployment portal of the Social Security Institute (ISS) is there to guarantee the protection of social inclusion and solidarity.
If you are currently unemployed and looking for information on the options available to you, you can find support, resources, and benefits through the portal.