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Let’s make it work
Young woman wearing protective glasses making measurements with a pipette and test tube in a laboratory setting

You can boost your career prospects by upgrading your existing skills or learning new ones.

European Year of Skills

Why do we need to take action on skills in the EU?

  • 77%

    of EU companies report difficulties in finding workers with the necessary skills

  • 28 occupations

    ranging from construction and healthcare to engineering and IT have staff shortages

  • 4 out of 10

    adults in the EU lack basic digital skills

How are we taking action?

  • 99.3 billion euros

    is the amount the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is investing in jobs, social actions, education and skills.

  • 17.8 billion euros

    from the NextGenerationEU Europe-wide plan to ensure a recovery from the pandemic are allocated to adult learning

  • 26.2 billion euros

    available under the Erasmus+ programme for European students to spend part of their studies at an education or training centre in another part of Europe

Preparing for the world of work

Build your career

Keeping your business competitive

Join forces with others to strengthen your business

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Discover what the EU is doing in other areas

Young parents spending quality time with their child sitting close together under a makeshift tent in the child's bedroom.

How the EU helps you to look after your family

Une jeune travailleuse tenant une tablette en main discute avec un travailleur plus âgé dans un environnement d’usine. Tous deux portent des équipements de protection, dont des casques et des lunettes de protection.

How the EU protects you at work

Woman with baby in arms making a payment by card at a pharmacy

How the EU provides you with the opportunity to earn an adequate income

A diverse group of individuals, consisting of different genders, ages, and ethnicities, gather around a low coffee table in an office space. They engage in conversation, seated comfortably on a sofa and a wheelchair.

How the EU ensures you are treated fairly

Fair work and effective social protection