Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programmes for young people up to 30 years old.
Develop your career with training courses in several fields.
The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training is a state body attached to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, offering vocational education and training courses. Click the link to learn more.
Get professional qualifications and key competences: the Bulgarian Employment Agency offers you access to training courses.
The Youth Guarantee fights youth unemployment: you can get a good quality offer within a period of four months after leaving formal education or becoming unemployed. The project is for all young people under the age of 25.
By matching employers to employees, the Employment Agency offers you a range of programmes and projects to qualify and retrain. Get work experience, whether you’re kickstarting your career or looking for permanent employment.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European cooperation network of employment services.
You can connect with employers offering jobs, traineeships or on-the-job opportunities. The EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme supports you during the recruitment process by providing financial assistance and personalised advice.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
The State Agency for Child Protection is working on polices to improve the lives of children in Bulgaria. They’re currently focused on several projects, including Capacity Building of Child Protection Systems, with the financial support of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). On their website, you can find useful information about children's rights and get help through the national helpline for children.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.
Are you looking for information on family allowances? This website will tell you when you can claim them, what conditions you need to meet, forms you may need to fill in, your rights and who you need to contact.
Are you wondering what social support you’re entitled to when you have a child? Visit the Bulgaria - Maternity and Paternity website for information on support during pregnancy, childbirth and adoption.
Do you want to know more about your healthcare entitlements in Bulgaria? Visit this website to get information about health insurance rights, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), and healthcare that does not depend on social insurance.
Want to know more on your benefits and entitlements when taking care of a family member who is unable to taking care of themselves? This website offers information on monthly benefits you can claim when caring for your loved ones when they most need it, on the home care covered by the National Health Insurance Fund and on the benefits and allowances for caring for people with disabilities.
The Social Assistance Agency promotes, protects and guarantees the full and equal enjoyment of the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities, creates conditions for their social inclusion, promotes respect for their inherent human dignity and provides support for them and their families. Visit their website to find out more.
If you think you have been discriminated against, you can file a complaint to the Commission for Protection against Discrimination. See more information about the conditions and procedures for reporting on their website.
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities operates and maintains an information system for persons with disabilities, develops programmes and finances projects for rehabilitation, integration and the creation of an accessible environment. Visit their website to discover how this organisation can help you.
The Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) is the largest national feminist fund. It is the only donor in Bulgaria that exclusively supports activists, grassroots groups and civil society organisations working to empower women and girls and achieve gender equality in all spheres of life.
The National Social Security Institute (NSSI) is responsible for managing Bulgaria’s state social insurance.
Click to find the information you need on pensions, family allowances, and unemployment benefits.
Want to know if your current employment terms are legally valid?
Learn about your rights to minimum, basic and additional remuneration on the Bulgarian single national website on posting for workers.
The Agency for Social Assistance (ASP) manages the implementation of Bulgaria's social assistance policies and is responsible for social benefits. ASP offers information covering social assistance and related services, disability support, the food programme co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus, and more.