The aim of the project is to increase the employment and employability of young people by making them more competitive on the labour market through professional practice; to motivate participants to deepen their professional knowledge and work skills needed to perform specific work activities required by the labour market and thus to balance the mismatch between supply and demand on the labour market, thereby obtaining quality and long-term employment; for jobseekers without completed vocational qualifications, to seek to restart preparation for a future occupation using career counselling and the 'Return to Education' activity, and thus to obtain the necessary training for subsequent better employment on the labour market. This project is aimed at people under the age of 30 and NEETs.
Whether you are an employee or self-employed, you can get training and retraining with the Employee education support. Find out more about accredited and non-accredited courses. offers you retraining courses paid for by the Labour Office. If you wish to apply for these and learn more, click on the link.
The Ministry of Labour can support you in social policy, social security, labour legislation and more spheres. Learn how you it can support you by clicking on the link.
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programmes for young people up to 30 years old.
The Labour Office of the Czech Republic provides you with information about the labour market in the Czech Republic and in the European Union, job applications and vacancies. Click on the link to find out how this service can benefit you.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European cooperation network of employment services.
This is a programme that promotes a greater work-life balance and facilitates entry and retention in the labour market for people who, for different reasons – such as health, family, etc. – are unable to take up full-time employment. On their website, you can find out how they can help you.
On their website you can find maps of projects financed by the European Social Fund, the European Union’s main instrument for promoting employment. Many projects are local and their availability and offers change throughout the year.
Part of the government of Czechia, the Agency for Social Inclusion ensures support for social inclusion, especially at a local level. Find out how the Agency helps municipalities and local authorities in providing services support in education, employment promotion, social services and social housing.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.
It is a project of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs dedicated to the issue of equal pay for men and women. Their website offers advice on transparent remuneration in the workplace.
The Ombudsperson (officially the Public Defender of Rights) protects persons against the conduct by authorities and other institutions if such conduct is contrary to the law, does not correspond to the principles of democratic rule of law, or in case the authorities fail to act. The Ombudsperson also protects people from discrimination, helps its victims and complex legal, performs visits to facilities housing people restricted in their freedom, strives to prevent ill-treatment and monitors the rights of people with disabilities.
The main objective of the project is to increase employment of persons with disabilities and support them in their transition from the protected to the free labour market through counsellors' support at the contact offices of the Office of the Czech Republic, vocational rehabilitation, and cooperation with employers. At the same time, the aim is to increase the economic activity of persons with disabilities and to involve inactive persons in the labour market through the cooperation of all stakeholders.
The project is centred on helping people aged 55 and above to support their occupational mobility and to extend their careers through individual education, counselling, and adapting to the work environment. It aims to promote employment for elder individuals by providing a variety of public policy tools, including removing barriers to re-entering the workforce.
Find all the information you need on the Minimum Wage benefit on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. You can also learn how the Czech labour code can protect you from unfair remuneration practices.
The Unemployment Benefits service is designed to protect citizens during their search for employment. It will provide you with a provisional income until you find a new job.
Discover how this benefit may work for you.
The Aid in Material Need is a form of assistance for persons with insufficient income.
Learn how you could benefit on the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs’ website.