BFI is a partner for education and training. On their website you can find education and training for the employees of your company, jobseekers, as well as individuals who want to improve their skills in areas as business or innovation.
The non-profit organisation Jugend am Werk offers young people and young adults help with vocational paths.
The programme includes counselling and support if you are searching for an apprenticeship or a job. It offers assistance as well directly at your workplace.
WIFI is the largest Austrian further education institution for adults. It has partnered up with organisations and universities and offers you educational full time or part time courses and training in areas such as crafts, health, and technology.
On the erwachsenenbildung portal you can find out about education information systems, basic issues and current topics of Adult Education in Austria and the EU. Click here to know about the services it offers in continued education and career orientation for adults.
Eurodesk provides you free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programmes for young people up to 30 years old.
The European Year of Skills helps you get skills for quality jobs and supports small and medium enterprises in addressing skills shortages in Europe, through events and activities. Click on the link to know more about the available opportunities to improve your skills!
On this platform you can find information on job opportunities, unemployment benefits as well as advice for jobseekers. Additionally, through this website you have the possibility to search for new staff for your business.
Arbeit plus represents 30 organisations that offer counselling, qualification and employment support to people who are distant from the labour market. Based on its strong networking, Arbeit plus offers you professional expertise in matters of active labour market policy and, together with its member organisations, is the point of contact for funding agencies, politics, science, and the media.
ABZ*AUSTRIA is a social-profit organisation, for the promotion of work, education and future. It promotes gender equality in the labour market, in business and in education and can offer you consultancy for companies, cross-mentoring programmes and educational counselling as well as many other types of training and workshops such a subsidised training for skilled workers.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European cooperation network of employment services.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
‘Hilfswerk Austria’ is one of the largest non-profit providers of health, social and family services in Austria. The organisation helps families identify available care options for children, senior citizens or other family members in need of care. On their website, you can find information on the services they offer, including affordable childcare, conveyance of nursing staff for long-term care at home, as well as consultancy and support for finding the right care service.
The Familie & Beruf Management GmbH is a non-profit state-owned company whose task is to implement measures adopted by the Austrian government to reconcile work and family life. They support companies, universities and municipalities in becoming more family friendly.
On their website, you can find helpful information and education material on how to make your enterprise family friendly as well as further information about training and certifications.
To help families ease the financial burden caused by raising children, the Austrian government offers all parents – regardless of their employment or income – a regular allowance aiming to financially support all families with raising, feeding and housing their children. You can find all information regarding the allowance and the application process on the website of the Austrian government.
Fathers who after the birth of a child take time off from work to care for their family, are entitled to a financial compensation during this period. All information on the family time bonus can be found on the website.
Expectant mothers are under special protection and may no longer be employed from the 8th week before the expected date of birth. To compensate for a loss of income, you can apply for a maternity allowance for a period of around 16 weeks. Visit the website to find out more about your rights.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.
Issuance of a European Health Insurance Card (SDG) (
In Austria, the right to equal pay for equal work has been in force since 1979. It prohibits discrimination in pay without objective justification. The Chamber of Labour advises and supports employees in all matters relating to discrimination in the workplace.
Right to equal pay for equal work | Chamber (
The Ombud for Equal Treatment has the task of fighting discrimination and promoting equality. They provide independent free counselling and support for people who are affected by discrimination. Find out what support is available if you or someone you know has been discriminated against.
The Disability Ombudsperson's Office advises and supports people with disabilities when they believe they are being discriminated against because of their disability. Find out more about their supportive services on their website.
ZARA opposes all forms of racism and promotes civil courage and a society critical of racism. The association stands up for the equal rights of all people by offering training courses and workshops and operating a counselling centre for affected people. Discover more on their website.
The Welfare and Minimum Income Support programme addresses and reduces inequality during unemployment. You can access provisory benefits depending on your financial situation.
Learn more about the eligibility criteria.
Austrian Social Security can help you with statutory pensions and insurance for health and accidents. You will find specialised help from social security carriers focused on each type of claim, from youth support and pregnancy to pensions, illness, and work accidents.
Discover what services are available to you.
The Labor Market Service (AMS) is your reference point for information and help regarding minimum wage.
If you are currently employed in Austria and suspect unfair remuneration or would like to check your personal employment situation, you can get the information and resources you need.
The salary calculator, a Ministry for Women initiative, is designed to provide information about income equality in Austria’s labour market. This free service allows you to better negotiate your employment agreement and check whether you are being competitively and fairly compensated.