Get access to hands-on and trendy training: the SYNTRA network, consisting of 5 training centres with 19 SYNTRA campuses in Flanders and Brussels, offers entrepreneurial people course to get cutting edge!
Lifelong Learning provides you advice in different areas of training such as vocational training in the workplace, lifelong learning and work-linked training.
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programmes for young people up to 30 years old.
Improve your skills with the opportunities offered by the European Year Of Skills. The European Year of Skills helps you advance the right skills for quality jobs, and it supports small and medium enterprises in addressing skills shortages in Europe through events and activities. Click on the link to know more!
Het Europees Jaar van de Vaardigheden start 9 mei |
VDAB is the employment service of Flanders and helps you look for work by:
offering a job site with thousands of jobs and useful online tools,
providing training, and
guiding you in your job search.
The Department of Work and Social Economy is responsible for policy on employment and social economy. Learn more about how it can help you find a job, access lifelong learning opportunities, support enterprises and manage work complaints among many other things.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European cooperation network of employment services
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
Family Union is an association that helps you manage your family, apply for college grants, find a babysitter, find a second-hand fair for children's clothing, find activities to do with children and offers lots of discounts as well. On their website you can find more information.
The Flemish agency Growing up is a public service that works towards a positive upbringing for every child and young person in Flanders and Brussels. Services include preventive family support, childcare, growth packages, foster care, adoption, youth aid and help dealing with young people who commit crimes. Visit their website for more information.
Ferm is the largest women's association in Flanders. Their website offers information on a wide range of activities and services they offer such as maternity care, childcare, home care and domestic help.
On the Belgian social security portal you find relevant information, services and online procedures related to social security for citizens.
National Institute for Sickness and Invalidity Insurance (INAMI) is the public body which administers the sickness, maternity and invalidity. Their website offers information maternity, invalidity and sick leave benefits.
The equal opportunities policy in Flanders focuses on combating unequal opportunities caused by gender, sexual identity and lack of physical accessibility. The Flemish Government has also an integration policy, a youth policy and a policy for the elderly. On their website you can find information about accessibility and filing discrimination complaints.
Unia is an independent public institution that fights discrimination and promotes equal opportunities in Belgium. You can contact them when you have experienced discrimination or hate messages, or you are looking for advice. More information you can find on their website.
DUO for a JOB organises intergenerational and intercultural mentoring to facilitate access to the job market for young jobseekers while recognising the value of the experiences of people over 50. Visit the website to discover more about the free, professional coaching they provide in several cities.
The Workplace Architects are independent, non-profit organisations having the goal of creating more inclusive workplaces. The Workplace Architects work with employers to offer people over 50, from immigrant backgrounds in poverty, job coaching, language coaching and training. Visit their website to learn more about their work and how you can make your company more inclusive.
The Flemish Human Rights Institute (VMRI) strives for equal opportunities for all citizens. If you believe you are a victim or witness of discrimination, you can report this anonymously and free of charge to the VRMI, and appeal to their first line assistance. Their website offers more information on how to make a report.
Find information about possibilities of training, getting a job, deepening your skills and developing new ones on the Se former tout au long de la vie portal, integrated into the official website of the Walloon region. In one click you will find all the available training courses, as well as the necessary administrative steps.
Find training courses for workers, job seekers, teachers and students at Technifutur, the Competence Centre covering the fields of industry, digital and mobility. Click on the link to discover more.
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programs for young people up to 30 years old.
The Walloon Office for Vocational Training and Employment, known as Le Forem, is a public service in Belgium whose competence is employment and vocational training limited to the territory of the Walloon Region. Click on the link and get informed on employment and training opportunities in this region.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European cooperation network of employment services.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
The union of the middle classes (UCM) is a French-speaking Belgian association for the defence, representation and promotion of the self-employed (heads of SMEs, craftsmen, traders, liberal professions) which fights to defend the interests of the self-employed and SMEs and brings their demands to the actors of the political world. The UCM defends your freedom of enterprise, the improvement of your social status if you’re self-employed and calls for favourable economic conditions to boost business development.
AVIQ is the Walloon agency responsible for major policies in the areas of wellbeing and health, disability and family. AVIQ aims to offer each Walloon adapted solutions to their needs. Visit their website and find out more about opportunities for employment, wellbeing and material help.
The League of Families makes daily life easier for families by offering information, services and benefits to help to reduce expenses. It also demands that public authorities meet parents’ expectations. Visit their website to discover services and information on how to receive discounts or the special card for large families.
ONE deals with all questions related to children's policies, including the protection of children and their parents, medical-social support, issues during the perinatal period, fostering of children outside their family environment and other support for parenthood. Visit their website to find out your rights as a parent and other help you may need when having children.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.
The Belgian Social Security Portal centralises all information, services, and online procedures related to the social security of citizens. Thanks to parental leave, workers in the private and public sectors can temporarily reduce their working hours or interrupt their careers to take care of their children. Specific assistance measures are also provided. Visit their website to learn more about your rights to maternity or paternity leave.
The Belgian Social Security Portal centralises all information, services, and online procedures related to the social security of citizens. Family allowances are the allowances paid each month to parents to offset family expenses and take care of their child. As family allowances are a regional competence, it is the child’s place of residence that determines the amount and the payment organisation. Visit their website to learn more.
The Institute for the Equality of Women and Men combats all forms of discrimination or inequality based on gender and handles requests for information and complaints from victims of gender-based discrimination. Visit their website to learn about the assistance you can receive if you have been discriminated against.
The Directorate for Equal Opportunities is responsible for implementing the equal opportunities policy within the framework of community powers. Visit their website to learn about the steps to take if you have faced discrimination.
Unia defends the equal and inclusive participation of all people in all sectors of society and ensures respect for human rights in Belgium. Discover how Unia can help you if you have been discriminated against.
Bridge the digital gender divide: access qualifying and certifying training to get IT jobs through Interface 3. Women can strengthen their digital skills to obtain qualified positions in all sectors using or producing ICT. Click on the link and learn more about the opportunities.
Bruxelles Formation is the official organisation responsible for the vocational training of French-speaking job seekers and workers in the Brussels-Capital Region. French-speaking training courses for adults in the Brussels Region on the Dorifor (Regional Training Information Data) database, Click on the link to discover more aboutthe French-speaking training courses for adults in the Brussels Region on the Dorifor (Regional Training Information Data) database.
The Efp work-study training centre offers you a range of training courses for 200+ professions. The work-study programme enables apprenticeship via an internship in a company, and practical and theoretical training at the Efp. Young people, adults, job seekers and employees looking for new challenges, as well as business leaders and the self-employed who wish to strengthen their skills can take these training courses.