The website is the joint website of the 12 ministries.
On you will find answers to such questions as: am I entitled to study financing, what do I need to do to study abroad, which study programmes can I choose from and what should I arrange when doing an internship or study abroad.
Libraries can help you with basic skills such as numeracy and digital skills and provide courses on topics such as taxes. Discover more about the program, how you can benefit from it and the available toolkits on the link.
On, a UWV website, you will find everything about looking for work and applying successfully. We also provide tips to increase your chances of finding work. brings jobseekers and employers together.
Career Tiger offers you the information and inspiration you need to steer your career. Click on the link and access information and tips on looking for a course that suits you, preparing for higher education and finding a job that is right for you.
Carrièretijger - profiteer van je talenten | Carrièretijger (
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programs for young people up to 30 years old.
Whether you’re an employee or an employer, How Does the Netherlands Work provides you with useful information. The website has information on training, borrowing money for education, working conditions and inclusivity at the workplace.
Werkbedrijf, part of the Public Employment Service, helps you with job placement and re-integration. You can register as a jobseeker, apply for social benefits, find a job and find training courses, plus there are job advisors who can ease your job hunt. This website is for employers and employees.
The Chambre of Commerce has a dedicated page for young entrepreneurs who need inspiration, clear and trustworthy information and smart tips. On this page you will find tutorials, videos and real-life stories.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European network of employment services.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.
What Parents Want to Know is the online home for parents to learn about money, work, school, childcare, parenting and more. On the website you can find practical tools like Time Boss, a podcast and a crash course on parenting. gives you information and tips on a variety of topics related to pregnancy, parenting and caring for a child. Whether you are at the very beginning and have questions about getting pregnant, or your children are moving out on their own for the first time, you will find all the information you need on their website. The 'work and kids' section of this website includes information on combining children with work, parental leave arrangements, childcare, financial benefits and child benefits.
The Social Insurance Bank administers various social security and healthcare schemes. These schemes are for different groups of people: the elderly, parents, survivors, holders of personal budgets, participants in the resistance, war victims and many others. On the child benefit website, (future) parents can find all information they need on child benefits including their rights, and practical information, such as payment dates.
The Employee Insurance Agency is the agency responsible for benefits for maternity leave, adoption or foster care leave, paid parental leave and supplemental birth leave.
On their website you will find information on your rights and responsibilities and how to apply for benefits.
The Equal Opportunities Alliance encourages optimal talent development among children and youth. They provide a list of civil society organisations promoting equality of opportunity through language promotion, coaching or by offering extra education. On their website you can learn more about these organisations and get in touch with them.
SER Diversity in Business supports organisations to create an inclusive business climate. SER Diversity in Business has a broad vision of diversity and focuses on 5 dimensions: work capacity, cultural diversity, gender, age and LGBTIQ+. Discover more about how your company can contribute to equal opportunities and treatment by visiting their website.
WOMEN Inc. has been improving the position of women in the Netherlands since 2005. They strive for a society with equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender or sex. They work frequently and intensively with national and local governments, companies, institutions and knowledge institutes. In this way they work together towards a more equal Netherlands, for everyone.
The Human Rights Board conducts research, advises the government and parliament, reports to international human rights institutions, provides information and promotes human rights education. Learn more about their work by visiting their website.
Relatively few women work at the top in large Dutch companies. A new law, also referred to as the "women's quota," is intended to ensure a more balanced male-female ratio at the top of business. Find out what the law entails and how your company can comply with it. is a collaboration between several anti-discrimination agencies across the Netherlands. They provide assistance to people who report to them and offer everyone a listening ear, give advice, mediate or help with procedures. On the website they explain what the different forms of discrimination are. In addition, they insist on reporting if you experience discrimination.
The Pension clarity website provides you with all available information regarding pension schemes in the Netherlands.
Learn all about your pension rights and the process of retirement.
On the Geldfit portal you will find everything you need to know about the social benefits you can get in the Netherlands.
Find out what kind of help you are entitled to.
On the official Dutch government website, you can find all information related to the statutory minimum wage for work in the Netherlands.
Find out if your income meets the legal requirement.
If you are living in The Netherlands and are struggling to find employment, you can get in touch with the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). They are tasked with helping you find employment and support you with unemployment benefits if needed.
Find out all the aid you can get to enter the labour market on their website.
The Benefits Office portal, part of the Dutch Ministry of Finance, is responsible for granting and paying income-related benefits. These benefits support citizens who have difficulty paying for rent, healthcare or childcare.
Learn how you can benefit and apply.