Follow the link to find information about vocational education, including the programmes available and the institutional framework of vocational education.
The Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation aims to implement actions, programmes and projects for lifelong learning, with an emphasis on supporting young people in their educational and professional path and mobility. All the programmes and actions related to lifelong learning as well as programs within the Erasmus+ framework are available here.
The National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance seeks closer connection between education and training and the needs of the labour market, the upgrading of the professional qualifications of the workforce, the strengthening of employment prospects and of social cohesion. Here you can find information on all certifications and qualifications as well as information on programmes and events.
The European Solidarity Corps is an initiative of the European Union. It creates opportunities for young people who want to volunteer or work in projects that benefit communities and individuals across Europe. Click on the link and discover the programmes you can apply for.
The Vocational Training Voucher initiative helps you access education and professional training services from certified providers. Visit the website for more information.
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programs for young people up to 30 years old.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is responsible for all matters related to labour and social issues. Follow the link to learn about the National Strategy for Youth Employment.
DYPA helps you with training, job opportunities, unemployment benefits and social protection. On its website, you can find out about training, job opportunities and events for finding a job.
This business grant programme aims to help employ 10 000 people who currently face obstacles to integration or reintegration into the labour market. It is specifically addressed to private companies and generally private sector employers who carry out regular economic activity. On the website, you will find information about the program, useful documents and instructions.
This programmes aims to create 10 000 new full-time jobs and to recruit people who are long-term unemployed, registered in the unemployment register in DYPA, aged 45 and over, in areas with high unemployment. All the information to apply can be found at the link.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European network of employment services.
This programme provides financial support for working parents, single parents, foster parents, and families in general, for the care of their child or children, either in the family home or at the home of an educator-caregiver. Their website offers the necessary information about the process, applications, and the respective registers. The programme is co-funded by the Greek government and the EU.
The allowance for residents of mountainous and disadvantaged areas is granted as part of social protection measures for vulnerable groups to support families with low incomes and prevent the risk of depopulation of entire villages. Their website includes detailed information on the conditions for granting the aid, the steps for the procedure and the necessary supporting documents.
My Home is a state housing policy with an emphasis on young people, young couples, and vulnerable groups of citizens. Their website offers information regarding the legislative framework and all the necessary forms for joining the programme.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.
Child Benefit is one of the key policy measures to support the family and strengthen it. It is an allowance granted from the first child. The total amount is determined by the number of dependent children and the family income category. Their website offers the necessary information about the process, applications, and the respective registers.
Maternity benefits are paid to all working mothers, with a private law employment relationship (dependent work benefit). Beneficiaries are also mothers who have a child through the process of surrogacy, as well as employees who adopt a child. On their website, you can find the necessary information about the process, applications, and the respective registers.
This programme aims to avoid institutionalisation and to strengthen the independent living of people with disabilities. All the necessary information and the corresponding documents can be found on their website.
This programme aims for social inclusion of Roma. On their website you will find announcements, details about actions and opportunities to participate.
The Greek Ombudsperson is the national equality body with a mandate to combat discrimination and promote the principle of equal treatment irrespective of gender, racial or ethnic origin, family or social status, religion or belief, disability or chronic illness, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Established in 1995, the Organisation Against Drugs (ΟΚΑΝΑ) is a legal entity that is governed by private law and reports to the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity. OKANA is running projects co-funded by the Greek state and the European Union. Their website offers information about the programmes implemented to reintegrate ex-drug addicts into the labor market by strengthening their individual and social capital.
The Guaranteed Minimum Income is here to help you access the welfare system and avoid economic hardship.
The programme is already helping over 200 000 vulnerable households. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply on the webpage of the Organization of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (OPEKA).
The Housing and Work for the Homeless programme grants subsidies and gives support to people in search of employment. It also helps those experiencing difficulties with retaining their place of residency or a continuous lodging.
Find out how you can access these services on the webpage of the Organization of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (OPEKA).
Get acquainted with the government regulation on fair remuneration. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security can help you find out if your employer is respecting your right to a sufficient minimum wage.
Unemployment and employee insurance benefits can support you during job search. The Public Employment Service (DYPA) webpage provides you with information on different subsides you could receive while you look for employment.
Learn the criteria and steps necessary to obtain these benefits.
Are you a senior citizen who was unable to fill in all their pension stamps? You can evaluate which benefits you are entitled to on the website of the Organization of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (OPEKA).