Get involved in the skills championship!
SkillsDenmark hosts the Danish skill championship, where the most skilful students compete in different disciplines. This annual championship showcases different types of vocational education as well as serves as talent development for top students.
SkillsDenmark is hosting a day for 8th grade classes, to increase awareness among primary schools about the diverse and exciting opportunities offered by various vocational education programmes.
On the learning platform, you can meet 36 role models who talk about their vocational training.
Young people can upgrade their skills and learn how different skills come into play in the individual vocational training courses. Find more information by clicking on the link.
Find information about educational programmes, adult education and continuing training, as well as job and labour market conditions in Denmark on the UddannelsesGuiden (the Education Guide).
Eurodesk provides free information on opportunities to travel, work, study and volunteer in Europe or participate in EU-funded programs for young people up to 30 years old.
The Danish Working Environment Authority works to promote a safe, healthy and developing working environment for you. Find out how the Danish authority supports your working environment by clicking on the link.
Jobnet is the public jobcentres website for all jobseekers and employers in Denmark. Jobnet enables you to search for a job among many thousands of vacant jobs or to find a new employee. Find information on job searching, training and recruiting of new employees.
Get access to courses and programmes. Whether you are an adult learner, a jobseeker looking to improve your skills or obtain additional qualifications, the Adult Education Centers offer services that can help you.
The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR) is responsible for implementing and following up on employment policy in Denmark, including recruitment of necessary foreign labour. Find out how it benefits you by clicking on the link.
Europass provides free tools that make your competences and qualifications visible and understandable across Europe and beyond. Moreover, on the Europass platform you will find not only learning and job opportunities throughout Europe but also country-specific contact details and information on learning and working abroad. The Europass tools are your gateway to learning and working at home and abroad.
Find jobs, training opportunities and valuable labour market information and tips with EURES, the European cooperation network of employment services.
The Danish National Board of Social Services is responsible for implementing and enforcing policies related to social services, including support for families and children. Find out more about their services on the website.
Do you want to know more about child and youth benefits? On this page you can learn how the so-called children’s cheque works, who is entitled to it, how much you can get paid and how to apply for it. You will also find information about other available child allowances.
Are you looking for information about maternity benefits? On this website you will learn who is entitled, how much you can get paid and how to apply. You will also find links to the legal framework, forms to fill in and contact details.
Do you have questions about childcare facilities? This website offers information about who is entitled to a place in a daycare facility, how to apply, how much it costs, who you need to contact and other questions related to various childcare schemes.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland or the United Kingdom under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Find out how you can apply for this free card.”
The Agency of Family Law in Denmark is a governmental institution responsible for various aspects of family law. The agency aims to provide guidance and support to families navigating legal challenges such as divorce, parental custody, child support, and paternity. It offers a framework for resolving family disputes amicably and efficiently, and plays a crucial role in ensuring the welfare and rights of children and families within the legal system.
‘Live Without Violence’ is Denmark's national unit against violence in close relations. Their ambition is that no one should have to live with violence in close relationships and that everyone who needs knowledge and advice to break free from violence gets the help they need. This applies to both children and adults, victims and perpetrators, relatives and professionals.
The Danish Equal Treatment Authority is responsible for enforcing the Danish Act on Equal Treatment of Men and Women and promoting equal treatment for all. They offer a platform for people who have been discriminated against. Find out how they can help by visiting their website.
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. They promote and protect human rights in Denmark and internationally. Discover their resources on human rights by visiting their website.
The Ministry of Employment (BM) is responsible for enforcing labour policies, including unemployment benefits and offers educational assistance for people under 30. If you are unable to cover the costs of your household, public benefits in the form of cash assistance are made available to you.
Learn about the cash assistance criteria, payment calculation, and how to apply.
The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR) is responsible for administering rules applied to employment offers and related rules on social protection.
That includes the Sickness Benefits Act which assists those made unable to work through illness. STAR can help you learn all about the criteria and guidelines.
LifeinDenmark (BORGER) is your portal for information about Danish pension schemes and early retirement in Denmark.
If you are a citizen who has lived in Denmark at least three years since the age of fifteen, you may be entitled to a pension benefit. Get more information about your pension and retirement rights on the portal.